Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Electric Light Orchestra! The 1976 hit, "Telephone Line!"

"Telephone Line" to me, is the coolest song by Electric Light Orchestra from’76. This was waaaay before we had Caller ID when we would sit by the phone awaiting for an actual call from that special someone.

The US version of this single was released in “green” vinyl---as was the norm, many ELO singles were issued in different colors---but this was the only single that was green.

I never knew that the group's name was based not only on electric light (as in a light bulb as seen on early album covers) but also using "electric" rock instruments combined with a "light orchestra" (orchestras with only a few cellos and violins that were popular in Britain during the 1960s).

You’ll notice that the official band logo is on this video. It was designed in ‘76 and is based on a ‘46 Wurlitzer jukebox. The band's previous logo was similar to the General Electric logo.

As I reminisce, I remember a show called “James at 15”.  It seems to me that this song was once on that show. There was a scene when “James” makes a phone call and gets his heart broken... I’m sure it was to this song.

Oh well, add this song to your Playlist if it isn’t on there already. You’ll be playing it at least half a dozen times!

Ahhhhh…the memories!

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