Friday, December 31, 2010

Lost Song of the 80's. "Heaven Help Me" Deon Estus

Go back 21years to this lost song of the 80's. It's by Deon Estus (Jeffery Deon Estus, 1956 in Detroit, Michigan ) who's best known as the bass player of Wham! and as George Michael's bassist on all of the latter's subsequent projects. I have to tell you, when you hear this song, it sounds like George Michael wrote this song (actually, he did produce it) and felt sorry for Deon and said, "Hey, why don't you sing this song and take all the credit. While you're at it, try to sound "breathy"just like me so everyone will say, "Hey, that sounds like George Michael!". Also, I'll sing backing vocals on the record so everyone will really say, "Hey....maybe it is George Michael!", and then it will be a hit!


  1. I love this song (loved it then, recently it’s been on repeat) but I’ve been looking for someone who thinks just this. It’s said they wrote it together, but like you I feel that GM handed it to him (or contributed as much as he did) as a thank you for all of his (Deon’s) contributions to GM. Which would be a kind and certainly unforgettable boost, as I remember thinking it was GM singing. I wonder 2 things, 3 actually: would the song have gotten airplay if GM produced but didn’t sing background; how much better could this song get with only GM singing; and how did GM feel about the end result? I’ve never heard him mention it in any interview. There’s so much I still want to know about his life and wish we could still hear new interviews (and new music of course).

    1. Hello GALAGALJenelle!

      Great comments! Agree wholeheartedly! I believe the song would have been much bigger if it had been released as a GM song. I’m assuming he was pretty happy about the end result. Having his hands in co-writing, singing & producing it, I bet it was a slam dunk! I did read that Deon was “Asked to describe Michael as a performer and as a friend, Estus said he was "fun and very sure of himself... He was a beautiful person and a great friend." GM was one talented dude! Thanks again for the comment!
