Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Eve! Celebration!

Well, it’s hard to believe that 2010 is coming to an end and 2011 is upon us. Where has the time gone? My hope is that you have a blessed, safe and Happy New Year and that 2011 brings you good health, happiness and great resolutions.
Wow. 2011. Amazing. You know, as I go back in musical time 30 years, 1981, it’s amazing to see how the decade began with an anti-disco backlash (which I loved by the way...meaning Disco), and how '80’s music would be characterized by the widespread use of synthesizers and keyboards. Where MTV was launched and music videos began to have a huge effect on us. Where New Wave, Synthpop, Techno, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Glam Metal, Hip Hop and Punk Rock were all taking shape to become a popular phenomena throughout that decade.
The 80’s was definitely the decade of transformation. From prominent Political Events, to Electronics and Computers, to Automobiles, to Space Exploration to the Economy.  I could go on and on. But I won’t.  If you are fortunate enough to remember the ‘80’s, congratulations!! You rock!! You were part of an awesome decade, a club so to speak, a society that remembers something special about this special time.
I’ll leave you with this funny memory of the significant fashion trends of the 80’s which included the following: Perms, Mullets, Hair Gel, Leggings, Shoulder Pads, Parachute Pants, Stretched –Stirrup Pants, “Members Only” Jackets, Jean Jackets, Headbands, Pastel Colors and Ray Ban Sunglasses. Ahhhhhhh….What a time!!

Have a great time and be safe!

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