Wednesday, February 2, 2011

DeBarge! 1983 Hit "Time Will Reveal!"

Back in the late 70s and 80s, we had our version of Walmart in Corpus Christi.

It was called Kroger’s.

We could get all of our shopping done in one fell swoop. Groceries AND clothes.  Only problem? There was only one brand of pants. Dickies!

Awwww No!  They couldn’t have the Levi’s brand like all my other friends had.
So there I am.  Trying to be stylish in Dickies! Cheap copycat version of Corduroys and jeans. They had generic Hush Puppy shoes and thinly made turtle necks. Oh well. Looking back, at least I had clothes, huh.  :)

The thing I remember the most though was being able to buy individual hard copy 45 records for under a dollar. Ahhhhhh, vinyl.  I’d always run over to select the latest releases. It’s funny now that you don’t even have to leave your house to spend money on a song. You just download it off of iTunes. You don’t even get to hold the song.....sniff sniff. 

Or better yet, you can just go to YouTube! For free!
 I can quickly bring up tunes like DeBarge’s 1983 smash hit, "Time Will Reveal".  A song which was written and produced by El DeBarge and his sister Bunny.

Brings back soooo many memories.

One wish? Would love to have my record player back to play this 45 for old memories sake.

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