Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Stryper's 1986 hit "Honestly!"

Stryper is a Christian glam metal band from Orange County California.  I got to see them in concert in 1985 and I remember it being one of the best shows I have ever seen!

They formed in 1983 as “Roxx Regime” by brothers Michael and Robert Sweet. They were inspired by bands such as Van Halen, but were distressed by their message so they sought to form a band that would extol their worldview and beliefs. They would later change their message and name to “Stryper” and go on to be the first Christian rock band to be recognized by the mainstream.

The name "Stryper" is derived from the King James Version of the Bible:
"But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”

The band would explain the symbolism of their “stripes” as a direct reference to the whiplash scourges given by Pontius Pilate to Jesus. Isaiah 53:5, is frequently included as part of their logo. Stryper's drummer, Robert Sweet, also created a “backronym” for their name:
 "Salvation Through Redemption, Yielding Peace, Encouragement and Righteousness".
I have to admit, I wish they would have somehow put the actual Plan of Salvation acronym as their logo. HBRCB!! (acronym for Hear, Believe, Repent, Confess and be Baptized). Maybe even changing their name to  “HiBurCeeBee!”....hmmmmm.....has a nice ring to it.

Anyway, I remember vividly their distinctive trademark. During concerts, Stryper would throw Bibles to the concert crowd—specifically editions of the New Testament with the band's logo stickers affixed to them. The audience would sincerely go crazy!

Regardless of how you feel about this band, they were great musicians and wrote some great songs!

One bit of information you might not know is that before their guitarist, Oz Fox, joined the band, a number of guitarists had played with “Roxx Regime/Stryper”, including Poison's C.C. DeVille.

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