Sunday, February 13, 2011

Paul McCartney's 1984 hit "No More Lonely Nights!"

I was driving this evening when this song came on the radio. Wow! I haven’t heard this one in sooooo long.

No More Lonely Nights is a song written by Paul McCartney, which was first released in September 1984. It can be heard on the soundtrack for the movie of the same name, “Give My Regards to Broad Street”.

What I didn’t realize was that David Gilmour of Pink Floyd played the electric guitar on this track. In a radio interview prior to 1990's Knebworth concerts, Gilmour stated that "No More Lonely Nights" was the last thing McCartney recorded for the film, and that he told McCartney to give his session fee to a charity of his choice. Pretty cool.

One bit of info you might not know. There are two versions of this song in the movie and soundtrack album. The first is the version that we all know and love from the hit single. The second is a "dance" version that is played over the closing credits of the film.

Even though Paul McCartney is just absolutely awesome, the “dance” version is not worth listening to. Trust me.

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