Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Bee Gees! "Nights on Broadway!"

It's sad that the huge success of “Saturday Night Fever” caused people to assume that the Bee Gees were nothing more than a shallow creation of a mass marketing ploy. The hit song, “Nights on Broadway” (1975) demonstrates that the Bee Gees had a lot of talent for which they never received proper credit for until recently. Of course, their 70’s hair styles didn't help. You know, if you look at a recent picture of Tom Brady; he could actually be a Bee Gee. 
Reunion here we come!

All kidding aside, while recording “Nights on Broadway”, Producer Arif Martin asked if one of the Bee Gees could do some screaming during the main chorus to make the song more exciting. In response, Barry Gibb began singing higher and higher, eventually singing it in falsetto that was unexpectedly powerful. He had never known he had such an ability. That was the start of Barry’s falsetto becoming the trademark sound of the Bee Gees we know today. Barry Gibb recalled in an interview: “Arif said to me, “Can you scream?” I said, “Under certain circumstances.” He said, “Can you scream in tune?” I said, “Well….I’ll try.” Arif said, “So, you know, give us an ad lib or a scream at the end.” So, from screaming, it turned into the part, “Blaming It All!”
Pretty cool, huh??

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